The Council of Education's



The 1998 UGC guidelines directed all educational institutions and Universities receiving grant-in-aid from the UGC to establish Cells not only for the SCs and STs, but also for Other Backward Classes (OBCs), Persons with Disability (PWD), and Minorities.  With the introduction of 10 percent reservation in 2020 both in admission and recruitment for those other than the SCs, STs and OBC, called Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), the concerns of the EWS category students, faculty and satff are also to be taken care of under a special Cell. Considering the relatively long history of the SC/ST Cell in TISS and there are special laws for the protection and development of SC and ST students, faculty and staff, the exclusive identity of the SC/ST Cell is retained, while the concerns of the OBC, PWD, EWS and Minority category students, faculty and staff of TISS are brought under an inclusive Cell called OPEM Cell, i.e., Cell for OBC, PWD, EWS and Minority category students, faculty and staff. Till 2020, this Cell was known as Equal Opportunity Cell (EO Cell).  The concerns of students belonging to the Kashmiri Migrants category, and of those students who are the children/spouses of those died in Armed Forces are also considered under the OPEM Cell.


  • To implement strictly reservation policy in matters of appointments of teaching and non teaching staff.
  • To implement strictly reservation policy in matters of in admission of students to Law programmes.
  • To improve the status of OBC, Persons with differently abled (Divyangjan), EWS and minorities students socially and educationally, so as to enable them to take their rightful place in the main stream of the society.
  • To counsel and guide OBC, Persons with differently abled  (Divyangjan), EWS and minorities students and help in managing academic and personal issues of College life effectively.
  • To provide an environment, where all such students feel safe and secure.
  • To give prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies etc. arising on account of any event at the campus and or in personal life.
  • To create the mechanism to redress the grievance of  OBC, Persons with differently abled  (Divyangjan), EWS and minorities students, if any
  • To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
  • To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth of OBC, Persons with differently abled  (Divyangjan), EWS and minorities students.
  • To arrange guest lectures on reservation policy and also about the facilities, scholarships, free ships, fellowships and government schemes to the SC/ST students.
  • To create the awareness among OBC, Persons with differently abled  (Divyangjan), EWS and minorities students regarding various scholarships program of State Govt. and UGC.
  • To take such follow up measures to achieve the objectives and targets laid down by the Govt. of India, UGC and various government authorities.


The Administrative Structure:




Dr. Praveen Patil


Prof. Dr. Savita Rasam


Dr. M. C Sheikh


Prof. Suchita Suragihalli


Prof. Suhas Patki


Prof. Vikram Irale


Dr. Asif waghwale

Member Secretary


Duties of Liaision Officer, OPEM Cell

  1. Ensuring due compliance by the respective authorities with the reservation orders and other benefits and support measures admissible to OPEM.
  2. Scrutinizing and ensuring prompt submission of the prescribed annual statements by the institute authorities to the Ministries/Departments and consolidation of the annual statement and sending the same to the Department of Personnel and Training.
  3. Scrutinizing all proposals for de-reservation of seats for admissions and to certify after due satisfaction that such de-reservations are inevitable and that all steps prescribed in this regard have been faithfully taken.
  4. Liaising between the Ministries/Departments and Institute and the Department of Personnel and training for supply of required information, answering queries and clearing doubt.
  5. Conducting annual inspection of the rosters maintained authentication of the same and keeping a record of such inspection.
  6. Extending necessary assistance to all appropriate authorities to discharge their duties.