The Council of Education's


Library Lending Rules


  • The Goal of the library is to make its collection available to all users. Compliance with the rules is appreciated.
  • Library users must comply with any reasonable request/instruction issued by library staff. Anyone violating the rules, or failing to obey instructions, may be excluded from the library and/or incur a fine.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of anyone found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner. In the case of students, further disciplinary action may be initiated. 

Guidelines for Users

  1. Only one book will be issued for a Ten Days on the production of borrower’s card.
  2. The book may be retained for prescribed period of time unless recalled by the librarian.
  3. A fine of Rs. 1 per day will be charged after the due date.
  4. Identity card must be produced on the issue / return counter before entering the library.
  5. Noise, disturbance or unruly behaviour is forbidden in any part of the library.
  6. Food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  7. Silence shall be observed in the public areas of the library. Mobile phones should be on silent mode before entering the library.
  8. Library materials must not be taken out of the library unless a Library staff has properly issued.
  9. No bags or personal belonging is allowed inside the library. Keep your Bags on the bags counter before entering in the library.
  10. Library membership cards are not transferable and must be produced whenever requested by Library staff.
  11. Library membership card when lost, must be reported immediately to the librarian or to the circulation section. A lost library card may be replaced by a fee of Rs. 50/- along with an undertaking that the member concerned will be responsible for any book taken on the library card.
  12. Mutilation and theft of library materials are offences punishable by law. Appropriate action will be taken by the library against offenders.
  13. Library books and documents must be treated with honour, so that it is prohibited to underline, write notes or pull-out pages there from.
  14. No dues certificate is mandatory for all while collecting the final result from the office.