SHAHAJI LAW COLLEGE MAJI VIDYARTHI ASSOCIATION KOLHAPUR SLC Alumni Melava (Get Together) Registration Form Alumni Melava
Day & Date: Saturday 24th December 2022
Venue: Shahaji Law College, Multipurpose Hall, Kolhapur
1) Enroll your Name on or before 20th December 2022.
2) The above fee includes Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, and felicitation memento.
3) Participant limit: 800.
Contact Details:
Adv. Santosh M. Shelar
(Joint Secretary of Alumni association)
Mbl.: 9922400021
Executive committee Member of Alumni association.
Adv. Shilpa R. Sutar
Mbl.: 9850023706
Adv. Chetan S. Shinde
Mbl.: 9823770072
Adv. Swapnil H. Chille
Mbl.: 9960549125
Adv. Abhijit S. Shitole
Mbl.: 8421364798
Prof. Patki S.V.
Coordinator, shahaji law college and Alumni association.