The Council of Education's


Activities & Events 20-21

College Activities & Events offer students opportunities to engage in a wide range of extracurricular pursuits, from joining clubs and organizations to attending concerts and workshops.

Environment Study Tour at Dajipur Santuary ” on 28/10/2021

Moot Court in Vernacular language – 23/12/2020

Shahaji law college participation in Open discussion on Election literacy organised by Kolhapur municipal corporation on 4th February 2020.

राष्ट्रीय मतदार दिनानिमित्त शहाजी लॉ कॉलेजतर्फे मतदार जागृती – 25 January, 2020

Participation of student researcher team in one day National workshop on Resesrch Methology held at Devchand College Arjunnagar” Coordinated by Asso. Prof.Dr M C Sheikh – 24 January 2020

Parents teacher meeting for class Pre law I (2019-2020) held on Saturday 25th January 2020